5 Things You Shouldn’t Do At An Airport
Are you one of those people who would nonchalantly pull out their phone to take a selfie with the TSA guard?
Or maybe you’d be more inclined to smuggle that half-done bottle of wine through security?
Yes, we’ve all been there..some more than others I’m afraid.
But as much as it might seem like a good idea at the time, these kinds of things usually don’t play out so well in the end.
From making witty remarks to getting smash-faced and yelling THE END IS NIGH to unaware passengers, we present to you some of the things you should never, ever do at an airport.
1. Don’t Drop an F-Bomb
There are moments in our lives when we realize the idiocy of our words right after we’ve muttered them. Like when we ask a plump lady when she’s due and she responds with a look of horror and dismay on her face.
There are certain things we should definitely learn to keep to ourselves.
Airport-wise, these things usually involve cursing and bad language, but there’s one word you should refrain from saying no matter what.
Whatever you do, whoever you’re speaking to, never, ever use the word bomb or anything related to that.
No, bombastic is still not allowed.
No, telling a cute girl that “She’s da bomb” is definitely not acceptable (nor will it score you any points tbh.)
You get the drift.
Airport security is very much alert when it comes to any kind of bomb talk, and for good reason too! So to avoid missing your flight and spending that time being questioned in a tight room, we suggest keeping your mouth shut.
This also goes for anything relating to terrorists or terrorist attacks.
And yes, jokes about these sensitive topics are also off the ground.
Security is obligated to take these things with a grain of doubt, meaning it’s very likely that you’ll:
- Be detained and questioned
- Delay flights for thousands of passengers including yourself
- Create a panic
So, if you have a strong stance about a recent event you saw in the news or you really want to share an amusing anecdote relating to such things, we suggest keeping them to yourself at least until you’re at a safe distance from an airport.
2. Don’t Pet the Doggy
Everyone gets excited when they see dogs – it’s only natural. These fluffy companions are hard to resist.
And while you might get the urge to yell Doggy! and run to every dog in your vicinity, you might want to reconsider doing this while at the airport.
Police dogs, no matter how adorable, are not supposed to be pet. They are professionally trained canines, not toys to be played with.
Most officers will tell you not to touch the dogs, as they’re on duty and you shouldn’t interfere with their work.
This includes petting, teasing, offering treats etc.
Remember – they’re working dogs, not your friends.
3. Don’t Get Drunk
Are you an anxious flyer? Or do you just need something to help you sleep while traveling?
A lot of people in this situation resort to alcohol to “put them in the right mood”. Now, while this might be effective to a certain degree, it’s definitely not something you should abuse.
Alcohol has a strange effect on people and while it can help you de-stress for a while, it can also have unforeseen, negative consequences as well.
Not only are you risking causing a disturbance and getting into a fight, but the airport staff has the authority to ban you from your flight if they feel like you’re not in a condition to fly.
Moreover, there’s always a possibility that you’ll feel unwell and spend your flight with your head wrapped around the airplane toilet seat. Not a nice sight, right?
Not to mention that drunk people on airplanes are the most annoying passengers out there, alongside bare feet travelers and unattended children.
4. Don’t be Witty
You might think that you’re a master of stand-up comedy and that you actually belong on a stage next to Dave Chappelle, but the truth is that not everybody will be able to recognize your talents straight away.
This includes TSA guards, customs officers, airport staff and security and other officials.
These people are there to process thousands of passengers on a daily basis, so whatever joke or funny remark you’d like to share with them, the chances are that:
- They’ve already heard it at least 10 times that day
- They’re working and don’t have time to make jokes
- They don’t find it funny and you’ll end up being restrained
Aside from being witty, you should also refrain from trying to outsmart these people by smuggling something you shouldn’t.
These people are trained to recognize any kind of suspicious behavior, so save yourself the trouble and leave that bottle of wine outside.
5. Don’t Lose Your Cool
Last, but certainly not the least – control your temper.
Airports can be hectic and all kinds of stressful and it’s so easy for something to go wrong.
If you miss your flight, get stuck at the airport or your flight gets delayed, try not to lose your cool.
Although horrible, these kinds of situations are quite common so it’s only natural to get confused, anxious or even angry.
The reality is that you won’t get very far by being rude or yelling at the airport staff.
These people are there to do their jobs and it’s important to keep in mind that some things are out of their control.
The best you can do is keep your composure, be friendly and accessible and the chances are that they just might go out of their way to make the experience much more bearable.
Remember – being nice can go a long way.